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Actions: February 24, 2021

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Non-delegable board reports that require member action


21-0224-RS1 Resolution Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2020 to Pay Debt Service on Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds (Dedicated Tax Revenues), Series 2005AB, Series 2006B, Series 2009D, Series 2009EFG, Series 2010CD/FG, Series 2011A, Series 2012A, Series 2012B, Series 2015CE, Series 2016AB, Series 2017AB, Series 2017C, Series 2017D, Series 2017G, Series 2017H, Series 2018AB, Series 2018C, and Series 2018D of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Adopted
21-0224-RS2 Resolution Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2020 to Pay Debt Service on Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds (Dedicated Tax Revenues), Series 1998B-1, Series 1999A, Series 2017E, Series 2017F, 2019AB, and 2021AB of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Adopted
21-0224-RS3 Resolution Authorize Appointment of Members to Local School Councils to Fill Vacancies Adopted


21-0224-PO1 Rescind Board Report 98-0923-PO3 Policy for School-Based Health Centers Adopted
21-0224-PO2 Rescind Board Report 13-0424-PO1 Student Records Retention Policy and Adopt a New Student Records Management and Retention Policy Adopted
21-0224-PO3 Rescind Board Report 16-0928-PO2 Strategic Sourcing Policy Adopted


21-0224-RU1 Amend Board Rule 6-4 on Interim Basis in Accordance with Board Rule 2-6 Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

21-0224-EX1 Transfer of Funds Adopted
21-0224-EX2 Authorize Renewal of the LEARN Charter School Agreement with Conditions Adopted
21-0224-EX3 Ratify Tuition Payments for Professional Educator License - School Nurse Coursework Adopted

Report from the Chief Operating Officer

21-0224-OP1 Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with Lawndale Educational Regional Network ("L.E.A.R.N.") Charter School for a Portion of the Thorp School Building at 8914 South Buffalo Avenue Adopted

Reports from the Chief Procurement Officer

21-0224-PR1 Authorize a New Agreement with University of Chicago for the Evaluation of the Accelerated STEM and Leadership Development Grant Adopted
21-0224-PR2 Authorize New Agreements with Various Vendors for Universal Enrichment Services for School Specific Corrective Action Adopted
21-0224-PR3 Report on the Award of Construction Contracts and Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education's Capital Improvement Program Adopted
21-0224-PR4 Authorize New Agreements with Sentinel Technologies, Inc. and Wynndalco Enterprises, LLC for Enterprise Server Maintenance Services Adopted
21-0224-PR5 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with Dentons US LLP for Investigative Services Adopted

Delegable Reports

Report from the Chief Financial Officer

21-0224-FN1 Chief Financial Officer Report for January 2021 on the Emergency Authority Exercised under Resolution 20-0325-RS1, as Amended by Resolution 20-0624-RS1, as Amended by Resolution 20-0923-RS1, as Amended by Resolution 20-1216-RS1, as Amended by Resolution 21-0127-RS1 Accepted

Report from the Chief Procurement Officer

21-0224-PR6 Chief Procurement Officer Report for December 2020 on the Delegated Authority Exercised under Board Rule 7-13 Accepted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

21-0224-EX4 Report on Principal Contracts (New) Accepted
21-0224-EX5 Report on Principal Contracts (Renewals) Accepted

Report from the General Counsel

21-0224-AR1 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted

Non-delegable board reports that require member action

Reports from the General Counsel

21-0224-AR2 Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Tatiana Oriaikhi) *Adopted
21-0224-AR3 Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Laurel C. Baker) *Adopted
21-0224-AR4 Authorize Retention of The Firm Robert Half a Temporary Legal Services Agency *Adopted
21-0224-AR5 Authorize Retention of The Law Firm Mayer Brown LLP *Adopted
21-0224-AR6 Authorize Continued Retention of The Law Firm Laner Muchin, Ltd. *Adopted
21-0224-AR7 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for William Anstrand – Case No. 15 WC 4881 *Adopted
21-0224-AR8 Amend Board Report 20-0527-AR5 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Thomas Griffin – Case No. 08 WC 23037 *Adopted
21-0224-AR9 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for William J. Whirity – Case Nos. 15 WC 015142 and 15 WC 015143 *Adopted
21-0224-AR10 Approve Payment of Proposed Settlement Regarding Jane Doe and John Doe, et al. v. Board, et al., 1:19-cv-263 *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

21-0224-EX6 Ratify Tentative Agreement Between the Board of Education of the City of Chicago and the Chicago Teachers Union, Local 1, IFT-AFT, AFL-CIO Regarding the Return to In-Person Learning for Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8 and Special Education Cluster Program Teachers and Staff *Adopted
21-0224-EX7 Ratify Tentative Agreement Between the Board of Education of the City of Chicago and Service Employees International Union, Local 73 Regarding the Return to In-Person Learning for Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8 and Special Education Cluster Program Staff *Adopted

Reports from the Board of Education

21-0224-RS4 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel *Adopted
21-0224-RS5 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teachers *Adopted


21-0224-MO1 Motion Re: Approval of Record of Proceedings of Meeting Open to the Public January 27, 2021 *Adopted

Report from the Chief Operating Officer

21-0224-OP2 Approve Entering Into Lease Agreement with NRG CS Holdings Limited Partnership for 2720 N. Clark Street for Use as a Pre-K/Early Childhood Center *Adopted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos