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Actions: August 28, 2002

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02-0828-MO01 Motion to Close *Adopted

Non-delegable board reports that require member action

Report from General Counsel

02-0828-AR05 Authorize the Retention of the Law Firms Rock, Fusco & Garvey, LTD., Bracewell & Patterson, L.L.P. and Flemings & Associates, L.L.P. *Accepted
02-0828-AR06 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Franczek Sullivan, P.C. *Accepted
02-0828-AR07 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Hogan & Hartson, L.L.P. *Accepted
02-0828-AR08 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Winston & Strawn *Accepted
02-0828-AR09 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Laner, Muchin, Dombrow, Becker, Levin & Tominberg *Accepted
02-0828-AR10 Authorize Continued Retention of Gardner, Carton & Douglas for Alan S. King, Esq. *Accepted
02-0828-AR11 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Michael Walker *Adopted
02-0828-AR12 Authorize Payment of Back Wages Pursuant to Order of Circuit Court and Appellate Court in Dismissal Proceedings against Joseph Hearne, 96 CH 5674 *Adopted
02-0828-AR13 Approve the Renewal of the Existing Agreement with Office Management Advisers (OMA) for Records Management Services *Adopted
02-0828-AR14 Appoint Acting Director of Labor Relations (Cheryl L. Nevins) *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

02-0828-EX02 Warning Resolution – Donna Burchett Lawrenz, Teacher, Assigned to Helen C. Peirce School *Adopted
02-0828-EX03 Warning Resolution – Eddie Hughes, Teacher, Foreman High School *Adopted
02-0828-EX04 Warning Resolution – Delores Jackson, Teacher, Calhoun North School *Adopted
02-0828-EX05 Warning Resolution – Kathleen Lifton, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Norwood Park School *Adopted
02-0828-EX06 Warning Resolution – Bennett Molodow, Teacher, Assigned to Scammon Elementary School *Adopted
02-0828-EX07 Warning Resolution – Darryl Moore, Former Teacher, Assigned to Stevenson School *Adopted
02-0828-EX08 Warning Resolution – Rodolfo Olavarri, Teacher, Marquette Elementary School *Adopted
02-0828-EX09 Warning Resolution – Clara Paul, Teacher, Assigned to Jones College Prep *Adopted
02-0828-EX10 Warning Resolution – Linda Rule, Teacher, Assigned to Truth School *Adopted
02-0828-EX11 Warning Resolution – Elaine Spiegel, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Scammon Elementary School *Adopted
02-0828-EX12 Warning Resolution – Pamela Strain, Principal, Assigned to Ruggles Elementary School *Adopted
02-0828-EX13 Request for Dismissal of Tracy Allen, School Security Officer, Raymond Elementary School *Adopted
02-0828-EX14 Report of the Results of the Board of Education’s Review of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the Hearing Officer Regarding the Charges Preferred Against Leonard Drake, a Teacher Assigned to Dodge School *Adopted
02-0828-EX15 Report of the Results of the Board of Education’s Review of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the Hearing Officer Regarding the Charges Preferred Against Donald Rainey, a Teacher Assigned to Barton Elementary School *Adopted
02-0828-EX16 Request for Dismissal of Maury Richardson, School Business Manager, Harper High School *Adopted
02-0828-EX17 Principal Contracts (A) (Bonner; Hughes-Hannah; O’Toole; Pilcher; Scott; Volk; Williams-Willis) *Adopted
02-0828-EX18 Principal Contracts (B) (Greer; Hersh; Little; Redd; Thomas) *Adopted
02-0828-EX19 Amend Board Report 02-0626-EX38 Principal Contracts (A) *Adopted
02-0828-EX20 Authorize the Acceptance of a Special Assistant Under the National Urban/Rural Fellows Mentoring Program, Class of 2003 (Ché G. Dawson) *Adopted
02-0828-EX21 Ratify the Transfer and Appointment of the Chief Instruction Officer (Domingo Trujillo) *Adopted
02-0828-EX22 Ratify the Transfer and Appointment of Area Instruction Officers *Adopted


02-0828-MO02 Motion Re: Appointment of Assistant Secretary to the Board (Yolanda Chavez); and Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Staff (Guadalupe Cotto) *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Operations Officer

02-0828-OP08 Authorization to Purchase 10334 South Wentworth for the Construction of a New Langston Hughes/Davis Developmental School *Adopted
02-0828-OP09 Amend Board Report 02-0424-OP5 Authorization to Purchase 211 West 103rd Place for the Construction of a New Langston Hughes/Davis Developmental School *Adopted
02-0828-OP10 Amend Board Report 02-0123-OP5 Authorization to Purchase 221 West 103rd Street for the Construction of a New Langston Hughes/Davis Developmental School *Adopted
02-0828-OP11 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Roseland Little League Baseball Organization of Chicago, IL for the Installation and Use of Ball Fields at Gwendolyn Brooks School *Adopted
02-0828-RS06 Amend Resolution 00-0223-RS15 Resolution Designating and Authorizing Acquisition of Real Property for the Construction of an Addition to the John Marsh School *Adopted


02-0828-RS01 Resolution Re: Nereida Bonilla Retired Principal of the Audubon School Accepted
02-0828-RS02 Resolution Re: Diana Hernandez-Azcoitia Retired Principal of the Kelvyn Park High School Accepted
02-0828-RS03 Resolution Approving Changes to the Budget of the Capital Improvement Program for the Chicago Public Schools Adopted
02-0828-RS04 Resolution Providing for the Issue of Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds (Dedicated Revenues) Series 2002A, of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $60,000,000, for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Certain Capital Improvements In and For Said Board Adopted
02-0828-RS05 Resolution Re: Appointment of Teacher Representatives to Local School Councils to Fill Teacher Representative Vacancies Adopted


02-0828-PO01 Amend Board Report 00-1025-PO1 Adopt a Policy for New Teacher Induction *Adopted
02-0828-PO02 Adopt Policy on Granting Credit Toward High School Graduation for Courses Taken Through Internet-Based Delivery *Adopted
02-0828-PO03 Amend Board Report 96-0327-PO2 Amend Board Report 95-0524-PO2: Uniform Policy on Enrollment and Transfer of Students in the Chicago Pubic Schools *Adopted
02-0828-PO04 Amend Board Report 01-0926-PO1 Amend Board Report 97-1217-PO1 Policy on Student Travel *Adopted


02-0828-RU01 Amend Board Rule 4-22.2 Position Advertisement – Principals *Adopted
02-0828-RU02 Adopt Board Rule 4-22.4 Appointment of Assistant Principals *Adopted


02-0828-CO01 Location of Board Meeting of September 25, 2002 (Central Administration Building, 125 South Clark Street, 5th Floor Board Chamber) *No action

Reports from the Inspector General

02-0828-IG01 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Extend the Pre-Qualification Status and the Agreements with Various Consultants to Provide Investigative, Auditing, Training and Management Services Adopted
02-0828-IG02 Ratify the Exercising of the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Auditorium Garage/Park One Adopted

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

02-0828-EX01 Transfer of Funds Various Units and Objects Adopted

Report from the Chief Education Officer

02-0828-ED01 Report on Student Expulsions for July 2002 Adopted

Reports from the Chief Purchasing Officer

02-0828-PR01 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with School Specialty, Inc. for the Purchase of Educational Supplies Adopted
02-0828-PR02 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Xerox Corporation for Printing and Reprographic Services Adopted
02-0828-PR03 Approve the Pre-Qualification Status of Vendors to Provide Yearbook Printing Services Adopted
02-0828-PR04 Amend Board Report 01-0627-PR3 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Synergis Management and Technology Solutions for E-Procurement Readiness Assessment & Supplier Selection Adopted
02-0828-PR05 Amend Board Report 01-0627-PR1 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Darc Corporation for Database Consulting Services Adopted
02-0828-PR06 Ratify the Award of Construction Contracts and Ratify or Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education’s Capital Improvement Program Adopted
02-0828-PR07 Amend Board Report 02-0724-PR08 Ratify the Award of Construction Contracts and Ratify or Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education’s Capital Improvement Program Adopted
02-0828-PR08 Amend Board Report 02-0626-PR06 Ratify the Award of Construction Contracts and Ratify or Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education’s Capital Improvement Program Adopted
02-0828-PR09 Amend Board Report 01-1128-PR2 Approve Exercising the First Option to Extend the Pre-Qualification Status of Contractors to Provide Environmental Abatement Work Adopted
02-0828-PR10 Amend Board Report 02-0724-PR11 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Standard Parking Corporation and Interparking for Parking for Central Office Vehicles and Employees at 125 South Clark Adopted
02-0828-PR11 Ratify Entering Into an Agreement with Comm-Tec Building Service, Inc. to Provide Window Washing Services Adopted
02-0828-PR12 Approve Exercising the First Option to Extend the Agreements with Various Vendors for Milk and Milk Products Adopted
02-0828-PR13 Amend Board Report 02-0424-PR05 Ratify the Renewal of an Agreement with the City of Chicago, Department of Public Health for Training Services Adopted
02-0828-PR14 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with AT&T Global Network Services (Advantis) for EDI Internet Access Adopted
02-0828-PR15 Amend Board Report 02-0626-PR2 Approve the Acceptance of the Funding Commitment for Various Schools from the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company (E-Rate) and Approve and Ratify the Contracts for the E-Rate Work Adopted
02-0828-PR16 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Hilton Chicago for Catering Services and Space Rental Adopted
02-0828-PR17 Approve Payment to Summit Consulting Group, Inc. for Consulting Services Adopted
02-0828-PR18 Approve Payment to Western Illinois University for Consulting Services Adopted
02-0828-PR19 Approve Payment to the University of Chicago for Consulting Services Adopted
02-0828-PR20 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Great Books Foundation for Consulting Services Adopted
02-0828-PR21 Approve Tuition Payments to Colleges and Universities Participating in the College Bridge Program Adopted
02-0828-PR22 Ratify an Agreement with Carnow, Conibear & Assoc., Ltd. for Consulting Services Adopted
02-0828-PR23 Amend Board Report 02-0522-PR22 Approve Entering into an Agreement with AHA! Interactive for Consulting Services Adopted
02-0828-PR24 Ratify Tuition Payments to Universities Participating in the Teachers for Chicago Program Adopted
02-0828-PR25 Approve Payment to the City of Chicago for Security Services to High Schools Adopted
02-0828-PR26 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Dependable Nursing Home Health Services, Inc. for Nursing Services Adopted
02-0828-PR27 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Pre-Qualification Status and the Agreements with Various Vendors to Provide Specialized Evaluation Services Adopted
02-0828-PR28 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Pre-Qualification Status and the Agreements with Various Vendors to Provide Technical Assistance Services Adopted
02-0828-PR29 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Pre-Qualification Status and the Agreement with Various Vendors to Provide Training Services Accepted
02-0828-PR30 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreements with Safe Schools Adopted
02-0828-PR31 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Jesse White Tumbling Team for Tutoring Services Adopted
02-0828-PR32 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Interstate Electronics for the Purchase and Installation of a Multimedia Telecenter for Curie Metropolitan High School Adopted
02-0828-PR33 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Accenture LLP for Consulting Services Adopted

Delegable Reports

Reports from the Chief Educational Officer

02-0828-ED02 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of School-Based Grants Accepted
02-0828-ED03 Omnibus Report: Refund/Return of Previously Accepted School-Based Grants *Accepted
02-0828-ED04 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of Grants Accepted
02-0828-ED05 Authorize the Acceptance of Free Vision Care Services Accepted
02-0828-ED06 Authorize the Acceptance of Donation of Services from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Accepted
02-0828-ED07 Authorize the Acceptance of a Donation of Services from the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago Accepted
02-0828-ED08 Authorize the Acceptance of a Donation of Technology Equipment from the Beaumont Foundation of America *Accepted
02-0828-ED09 Authorize the Acceptance of Donations from the Quaker Oats Company Accepted
02-0828-ED10 Authorize the Acceptance of Donation of Vouchers from Longstreet to Purchase School Uniforms for Chicago Pubic School Students Accepted
02-0828-ED11 Approve Entering Into a Participation Agreement with St. Sabina Academy Regarding Participation in the CPS Elementary School Tackle Football League Accepted
02-0828-ED12 Amend the 2002-2003 Regular and Year-Round School Calendars to Provide Restructured School Days for Selected Attendance Centers Accepted
02-0828-ED13 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Susan Hunsberger Accepted
02-0828-ED14 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Bernetta Jackson Accepted
02-0828-ED15 Approve a Special On-Loan Leave of Absence for Rachel Trimble Accepted
02-0828-ED16 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Julie Waller Accepted
02-0828-ED17 Amend Board Report 02-0123-ED8 Approve Renewal of Leave of Absence for Mary Sharon Reilly to the Public Schools Teachers’ Pension and Retirement Fund Accepted

Reports from the Chief Operations Officer

02-0828-OP01 Ratify a Lease Agreement with Iver Johnson for the Use of Space at 4207-09 West Irving Park Road Accepted
02-0828-OP02 Amend Board Report 01-0926-OP7 Ratify a Lease Agreement with Imperial Realty, Inc. for the Use of 4632 West Diversey Avenue Accepted
02-0828-OP03 Amend Board Report 01-0926-OP5 Approved on September 26, 2001 Authorize the Acceptance of a School Construction Grant From the Illinois Capital Development Board Accepted
02-0828-OP04 Ratify a License Renewal Agreement with Robert R. McCormick Boys and Girls Clubs of Chicago for Use of Space at 4835 North Sheridan Road Accepted
02-0828-OP05 Ratify a Lease Agreement with Lawn Manor Beth Jacob Congregation for Use of Space at 6601 S. Kedzie Accepted
02-0828-OP06 Approve Entering Into a Facilities Use Renewal Agreement with Catholic Bishop of Chicago for the Use of Parking Lot at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Accepted
02-0828-OP07 Approve Renewing a Lease Agreement with Northwestern University Settlement Association for Use of the Gymnasium at 1400 W. Augusta Blvd. Accepted

Report from General Counsel

02-0828-AR01 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlements Accepted
02-0828-AR02 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlements for Chaya Gil Accepted
02-0828-AR03 Workers’ Compensation – Second Injury and Rate Adjustment Fund Accepted
02-0828-AR04 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos