BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// DDay.iCal 1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Jianan Shi President\, andMembers of the Board of Education     Mariela Estrada     Mary Fahey Hughes     Rudy Lozano\, Jr.     Michelle Morales     Elizabeth Todd-Breland     Tanya D. Woods\nNOTICECHICAGO BOARD OF EDUCATIONSPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING    \nMary Fahey Hughes\, Chair\nEnclosed is a copy of the Agenda for the Special Education Advisory 51·çÁ÷ to be held on Wednesday\, January 10\, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at the Claremont Academy Magnet School located at 2 300 W. 64th St. Accordingly\, the Board President and the Chief Executive Officer have determined that Public Participation will be a hybrid format with the option to participate in person or via an electronic platform. Th e public will have access to the meeting via live stream at or attending in person through the registration process.\nThe Public Particip ation segment of the meeting will begin after the Special Education Adviso ry Committee discussion and conclude after ten (10) minutes or until the l ast speaker has presented\, whichever occurs first. Each speaker will have two (2) minutes each to present their remarks. Members of the public who wish to participate in Public Participation must register in advance to sp eak.  Advance registration will be available beginning Monday\, January 8t h at 10:30 a.m. and will close on Tuesday\, January 9th at 5:00 p.m. or un til all five slots are filled.  Advance registration during this period is available by the following methods:\n\nOnline: (recommend ed)\nPhone: (773) 553-1600\n\nAdvance registration to observe in person wi ll also be available beginning Monday\, January 8th at 10:30 a.m. and will close on Tuesday\, January 9th 5:00 p.m.\, or until all slots are filled.   Advance registration during this period is available by the following me thods:\n\nOnline: (recommended)\nPhone: (773) 553-1600\n\n Written comments will be accepted until 5:00 p.m.\, Thursday\, January 11\ , 2024. Written comments can be submitted by completing the Written Commen ts Form at or via mail to 1 N Dearborn\, Suite 950\, Chicago\, Illinois 60602. Should you have any questions\, please contact the Special Education Advisory Committee via email at\n  DTEND:20240110T180000 DTSTAMP:20241222T004104 DTSTART:20240110T180000 LOCATION:Claremont Academy Magnet School Chicago\, IL 60636 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Monthly board meeting UID:42d8ac43-f4fd-4bf0-823f-74c463c7c9cf END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR