BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// DDay.iCal 1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX INCREASE FORTHE BOARD OF EDUCAT ION OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO(COMMONLY KNOWN AS “CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS”)\nI. A public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy increase for the Board of Education of the City of Chicago (commonly known as “Chicago Pub lic Schools”) for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1\, 2022\, and ending on June 30\, 2023 (“FY2023”) will be held on October 26\, 2022\, at 9:30 a.m. at the Chicago Public Schools Loop Office\, 42 West Madison Street\, Gard en Level\, Board Room\, Chicago\, Illinois 60602.\nFor this Truth in Taxat ion Hearing\, advance registration to speak will begin on Monday\, October 24\, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. and will close on Tuesday\, October 25\, 2022 at 5 :00 p.m. or until 10 slots have been filled\, whichever occurs first. Adva nce registration during this period is available by the following methods: \nOnline: (recommended)Phone: (773) 553-1600\nThe Public Co mment segment of the Truth in Taxation Hearing will conclude after the las t person who has registered to speak has spoken\, or 10:00 a.m.\, whicheve r occurs first.\nRegistered speakers who wish to present during Public Par ticipation may have the option to participate in person at the location of the Hearing or virtually via an electronic platform. The public will have access to the Hearing via live stream at\nMembers of the publ ic may submit written comments on this proposal via the Written Comments F orm on the Board’s website at or mailed to 1 N Dearborn\, S uite 950 by 5:00 p.m. Thursday\, October 27\, 2022.\nII. The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for the Fiscal Year com mencing July 1\, 2021\, and ending June 30\, 2022 (“FY2022”)\, were $3\,58 8\,675\,744. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for FY2023 are $3\,780\,259\,763. This represents a 5.3% increas e over the previous year.III. The property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for FY2022 were $52\,931\,380. The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service and public buildin g commission leases for FY2023 are $52\,931\,380. This represents a 0% inc rease over the previous year.IV. The total property taxes extended or abat ed for FY2022 were $3\,641\,607\,124. The estimated total property taxes t o be levied for FY2023 are $3\,833\,191\,143. This represents a 5.3% incre ase over the previous year.\nDated at Chicago\, IllinoisOctober 18\, 2022C hicago Board of Education\nBy: /s/ Miguel del Valle President\nAttest:/s/ Estela G. BeltranSecretary DTEND:20221026T093000 DTSTAMP:20250205T034636 DTSTART:20221026T093000 LOCATION:CPS Loop Office Chicago\, IL 60602 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Monthly board meeting UID:160dbc8b-4cdd-4106-93bd-c29db49e8319 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR