Frank Niles Thomas
District 9A
Frank Niles Thomas is a longtime Chicagoan and veteran of the U.S. Air Force with a wealth of experience in City of Chicago government, organized labor and civic engagement over the past 40 years. A graduate of Chicago Vocational High School with continued education at City Colleges of Chicago and Roosevelt University, Thomas served as 21st Ward superintendent for the Department of Streets and Sanitation for more than a decade, and served as chairman of the Local School Council at Edward F. Dunne Elementary School. Prior to joining the LSC, he was the founder of a mentoring program at Dunne, helping students attending this predominantly African-American school develop leadership skills.
A well-respected labor and grassroots political organizer, Thomas has capably served various sectors of both business and government, navigating the relationship between labor and management in good faith bargaining and negotiations. He is the father of four CPS graduates.